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Showing posts from March, 2008
χειροτεροι απο ζωα
margins of safety

nightporter (A' side)

ραντεβου με μιαν αγνωστη [η φωτο απο την aniaris]
wall numbers
on parade
through the wires
"παει οπου φτανει η φαντασια σου"
that same old feeling...
κι εσυ θεατης;
you're a big girl now
παρτι σιωπης
three in a row
happy ever after
permanent derailment
revealing hands

the dirty demo ('89)

capsella: the black boy scouts (ep),totally jazz recordings tracks: armenian catholic church ministry of housing and local goverment yankee doodle coffee song hourglass (cover) john vincent για τον μιχαλη >>> amores perros , dumbdog , myblogbook , sonic playground , λαικα κοριτσια
/ flocking around /